
As a non-commercial institution we depend on ads from sponsors. We offer every sponsor the following possibilities of publicity:

1.) In our program-booklets

For every concert (esp. the biannual concertos in the «Herkulessaal» of the «Residenz» in Munich) we sell a booklet containing 16 pages wherein a description of the opuses, composers and the orchestra is given. If interested you can — at a reasonable price — place an ad of following sizes: Quarter page, half page or whole page. Through this way of advertising you specifically reach a culturally interested audience that is open minded with regard to classical music.

For further information click here… (only german version, english will follow; PDF-format)

2.) On our website:

You can publish an ad-banner with your product on our homepage. Having about 15000 visitors (page-impressions) each month (with an increasing tendency) we offer you differently-sized banners and a link to your homepage.

For further information click here… (only german version, english will follow; PDF-format)